Alberta’s oil sands resources

Almost 99% of Alberta’s established oil reserves are in the oil sands. Using currently available technology and under current economic conditions, there are 167.8 billion barrels of remaining established reserves in Alberta’s oil sands resources.
Alberta’s oil sands resources are located in 3 major areas: the Athabasca, in the province’s north east region; the Cold Lake area; and the Peace River area. In total, the oil sands underlie 142,200 square kilometres of land.
When people think of the oil sands, they tend to picture big mining projects with oversized shovels, excavators and trucks. In actuality, only 3% of the oil sands area is suited for mining projects (about 4,800 square kilometres). And of this, only a fraction (904 square kilometres) has actually been disturbed by mining projects.

About 80% of Alberta’s oil sands resources, which underlie 97% of the oil sands areas, are too deep in the ground to be mined (i.e, more than 70 metres deep). These need to be recovered through in-situ methods. These methods are similar to conventional oil production, in that the bitumen is extracted in a process underground, and then brought up to the surface.
Ultimately, there are likely around 315 billion barrels of potentially recoverable oil in the oil sands. However, this would require more favourable economic conditions or new technology to extract and process.
Source: Alberta Energy