Royalties the government collects

Last year (2014-2015), the Government of Alberta collected $9 billion in Non-Renewable Resource Revenues on behalf of Albertans. Of this, $8.3 billion came from royalties on oil, natural gas, and oil sands (bitumen).
The government also collected $476 million from sales of mineral leases (also called “land sales”). On average, 24 times each year the Government of Alberta holds a competitive bid process, in which companies compete for the right to explore for and develop oil, natural gas, and oil sands resources that are owned by Alberta. The land sales process is one important way that Alberta gets value for its resources.
The rest of the non-renewable resource revenues collected by the government in 2014-2015 came from coal royalties and rental fees.

To give you an idea how this fits into Alberta’s budget, in 2014-2015 royalties on oil, natural gas and oil sands (bitumen) represented 19% of Alberta’s total operational revenues ($44.2 billion).
Generally speaking, under the current royalty framework, the amount of royalties collected each year depends on how much oil, natural gas, and oil sands (bitumen) is being produced. It also depends on the prices that energy companies are receiving for these products. These prices fluctuate every day, according to markets.
Resource prices and production levels change over time. As a result, the total amount of royalties collected by the government changes each year. The amounts of royalties collected from each type of resource also change each year.
In recent times, the largest proportion of royalties has come from oil sands (bitumen), and the smallest share has come from natural gas. This is quite different from 10 years ago. In 2004-2005, the largest share of royalties collected by the government came from natural gas, while the smallest share came from oil sands (bitumen).
You can review the amounts of royalties collected by government each year in Alberta Energy’s Annual Reports .

Sources: Alberta Energy 2014-2015 Annual Report; Government of Alberta 2014-2015 Annual Report.